We’re working hard behind the scenes to secure field permits for both men’s and women’s divisions for 2021. It’s a difficult balance between provincial and city guidelines, but we’re hoping to have everything ready to go by mid-july.
The Ontario government is currently in “Step 1” of the Reopening Ontario roadmap. This means that we a re currently not allowed team games or practices. That should change in early July. When Ontario enters “Step 2” of the plan, we should be able to resume normal league activity. “Should” is the operative word here. The City of Toronto may have something else to say about the matter. They have not updated their permit site to say they will be following current provincial guidelines. Their information is dated from July 2020 which stated that league sizes of bigger than 50 participants needed to be separated into “pods”. Without any updated guidance, we will have to go under the assumption that this practice is still in place – that means pods of 4 teams of 12 players/coaches and 2 referees.
With all that said, we would like to start taking in teams for the 2021 season. The contracted season means that you probably wont get in 10 games and playoffs, but we’ll work as hard as possible to get your team as many games as possible. League fee totals will be contingent on how many weeks of play time we get plus how many teams are playing. As with past years, we’d like to get teams to submit a 500$ deposit as soon as they can. Everyone who submitted a deposit last year got all of their money back. So, if for some reason, the province locks it all down again, you will get your deposit back.
To register your team for the 2021 season, please fill out the following form.
You will need a minimum of 7 players information to fill out the form.